Thursday, June 02, 2005

Just what New Testament are you reading?

Have you ever pretended to know about a topic that you were only marginally familiar with? Maybe your boss asked you about something and you fudged until you could look up the information she wanted. Maybe your kid asked you a question and you dredged your mind for information on a topic only to come up shy. You've got two routes: tell what you know is accurate and admit you need to do more fact gathering or brazen it out and make a total fool of yourself.

The Verbalist is four and has developed an interest in space. He started asking me information about the moon.

Where is the moon in the day? Why does the moon change shapes? How far away is the moon? What is it made of? Why does the moon circle the earth? Why does the earth circle the sun? What would happen if we stopped?

On and on. For every question he asked he would ask WHY? trying to get to the bottom of everything. I eventually had to fall back to the last bastion of answerhood: I don't know, God just made it that way. I try to be truthful. Sometimes though I can't help but try and buffallo the kids, they can believe the most outlandish things. I have to make it plausible though, the kids can sniff out when I am pulling thier legs. Which brings us to the stupid Democrat quote of the week:

"I went back and reread the whole New Testament the other day. Nowhere in the three-year ministry of Jesus Christ did I find a suggestion at all, ever, anywhere, in any way whatsover, that you ought to take the money from the poor, the opportunities from the poor and give them to the rich people."
That of course was John Kerry. It's not that he's wrong in suggesting that it is a Christian's duty to help the poor or comfort the widow, it's that he's making a factual error. See all he needed to do was read the gospels to find his error. Personal accountability and good stewardship are spoken of in the Parable of the Talents. More on that here.

Kerry is indicitive of Democratic Party leaders at the moment. A reflection of the cluelessness that they approach all those Jesusland people. (my new motto: Jesusland not a red state but my state of mind. Evangelicals ought to reclaim what started as an epithet) When Howard Dean says Job is his favorite New Testament book, Kerry is unable to find the parable of the talents in the Gospels, you come to the conclusion: was Kerry actually reading the New Testament? Democrats seem to think they can bluff out on a subject they know nothing about, the way I can my kids, the problem lies in the fact that the audience knows more than they do.

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